
Know More about Plant Lighting - Consider Efficiency With Efficacy

  As more and more plant growers are adopting energy-efficient lighting sources over conventional incandescent lights, LEDs are gradually gaining dominance over the market. LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes can be your best bet for supplemental lighting to grow plants. However, with HPS or High-Pressure Sodium technology incorporated in LEDs, initially, you might have to make significant investments. The   energy-efficiency and long-lasting LEDs  will, nevertheless, be worth every penny.  While choosing the LED lamps, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind for a good service life – Operating hours of the lamp annually Purchasing cost of lamps Installation and maintenance cost Electricity cost Additional cost for electrical capacity in some lamps (if any) Efficacy or electrical efficiency that varies in each type of LED lamp Primarily, if not exclusively, you should consider the economics of lighting technology while choosing a light. The lifespan of an LED lamp varies from ty

High Performance Less Energy Consumption-ViparSpectra XS1000 LED Grow Light

  Brief Introduction ViparSpectra XS 1000  led grow light will come into the market in March 2021. XS1000 is ViparSpectra's newest QB-style led grow light with extra high performance. Featuring in Samsung LM301B diodes, Mean Well driver, and advanced heat dissipation function, ViparSpectra XS1000 improves plants yields up to a max of 2.9g/watt. It has high efficacy and high PAR which rises to 1202 at the hanging height of 12 inches. Features of ViparSpectra XS1000 Latest Samsung LM301B Diodes - 252 pcs, high efficiency with deep canopy penetration 120W Mean Well Driver - big output, long lifetime, durable and stable performance Large Yields - maximum yield up to 2.9g/watt Full Spectrum Solution- provide usable lights for complete plant development Remarkably Efficacy- it is the most efficient grow lights available 5x2.5ftcore coverage - perfect for a smaller grow tent Dimmer Knob - accessible to dim from 5% down to 100% to adjust brightness for different stages of plants growing. P

How to Choose an Ideal Full Spectrum LED Grow Light

  With so many  indoor grow light  options, especially in the LED market, it has become confusing to figure out which grow light to buy. And when it comes to buying a  full spectrum LED grow light , not all LEDs are built the same way. You need to pay attention to both the quality and quantity of light a fixture produces if you want to understand the real power that LED grow lights can deliver to your canopy. In this article, I’ll help you figure out how to buy the best full spectrum LED grow light for your money. I’ll do this by helping you to understand what terms like Spectrum and PAR mean, how they relate to each other, and how you can use them to choose the best full spectrum LED fixture you can buy for your garden. What does ‘Full Spectrum’ really mean? Should the term even be used? Well, when a company decides to call their products a Full Spectrum Grow Light, they usually mean that their product outputs a broad, continuous, and significant light across most (if not all) of the

Top 10 Houseplants for Your Home

  The right to clean air is a fundamental right. Yet we rarely ever get to breathe clean air, especially in cities. Now, buying an air purifier to clean our ambient air seems like the only wise option. But air-purifiers are expensive. So, what does one do? Invest in  houseplants . Not only do they Jazz up your home but clean the toxins from the air simultaneously too. That’s a win-win situation too. Isn’t it? Read on to know about 10 such amazing houseplants. Areca Palm As with all plants, the Areca Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. However, what sets the Areca Palm apart is its ability to also purify the environment it’s placed in by removing dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Recommendation & Care : The Areca Palm does well in filtered light and needs to be watered often. For one person, four shoulder-high plants should suffice. Best Placement : The Living Room Snake plant Plant otherwise known as the Mother-

What is PPF in Grow Lights - Perfect Reference for Indoor Grower

  PPF is the abbreviation for ‘photosynthetic Photon flux’. It gives information on the number of photons, which are emitted by the light sources. The optimum size of your grow light is important as the indoor growth of indoor plants chiefly depends on the size of the light. In this article we have we have discussed the importance of matching the size of the   grow light  with the size of the tent. Furthermore, we have explored the mechanism of indoor plants photosynthesis. Plus, we have also explained the usage of PPF to determine   the optimal grow light size for the tent .  Determining the size of the grow light to the grow space Before kickstarting the indoor growth of the indoor plants, you must estimate the yield that you are can willing to harvest each cycle. The yield of each grow is determined by the amount of space available for the growth. Thus, the size of the tent should be determined by your yield goals and the grow tent determines the amount of light required for the pro

All You Need to Know About ViparSpectra XS LED Grow Lights

  The   ViparSpectra LED grow light   XS Series on the market now offers comparable results to other type of traditional lighting in both terms of yield and fruit size.   XS Series grow lights   may look the same as other led grow lights available at slightly cheaper prices but our Led grow lights are assembled using the market leading components and our own ratios and wavelengths to provide a high quality, reliable led grow light that works in all phases of plant growth. The development of high-power LED diodes and advanced heat dissipation systems now allows LED diodes to operate at higher voltage than ever before, the latest LED plant grow lights now feature either a double optical lens or a triple optical lens that amplifies light while also providing ideal light scattering pattern, suitable for vigorous growth in both vegetative and flowering plant growth cycles.   These grow lights provide exceptional growth not only in the vegetative stage but also in the bloom / flowering stage